Lady Face Falls Hike: Sawtooth National Forest – Stanley, Idaho ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Click for the latest Stanley weather forecast.

Lady Face Falls

Lady Face Falls

6/6/2021: A very peaceful hike, beautiful waterfalls and lots of wildflowers. A very enjoyable, easy hike thru alpine meadow and some forest. Hike down to the waterfalls to get the full experience but be careful down there. The water is running very fast.

Marg’s Notes: 6/6/2021: Discovery Day! Headed north on Hwy 75. 41o when we left after a breakfast of Raisin Bran, oranges & banana bread. A beautiful morning & a beautiful drive. Stopped @ the overlook of the start of the Salmon River. Beautiful view. Drove up & over the pass. A twisty road. We had planned to stop in Stanley, but continued on. Saw lots of places to camp & lots of trailheads. Stopped at a nice place along the river & wandered around & picked up some rocks. Drove thru the mostly ghost town of Custer. Interesting. It was off on a side road (Sunbeam). Finally headed back to our hike area: Stanley Lake. We did the Lady Face Falls hike. We ate in the car & took off ~1:30 pm. A nice easy hike thru alpine meadow and some forest. When we reached the falls, we scrambled down to the river. Beautiful. Continued down along the river side for a while, then back up to the trail & headed back. 5.76 miles in all. Took 3 hours. Drove back to our motel. Ate & watched T.V. Slept well!

Lasagna, salad, bread

6/5/2021: High Country Motel. To Bellevue, Idaho. Drop Roscoe off -> Head out ~7:30 am. Travel Day. Uneventful drive to Bellevue, ID. We split up the driving. Got gas in Pendleton at the casino. A nice drive. Arrived at motel ~5:30 & checked in. Had a long conversation w/ Sam the manager & he put us in a room w/ a kitchenette 😊. Unpacked and went to dinner at Mahoney’s Bar & Grill. We both had pork sans. Very good & good service. Read & went to bed! Long Drive. Did not sleep well tho 😔.

Rod’s Ramblings from the Trail: I wasn’t “rambling” back then. Well, actually, I was rambling, but just not into a recorder so I could remember anything. 😝